Five tips to make a great BtB corporate video

I had to make corporate videos several times in my career. And I have now come to the conclusion that this is not a trivial exercise. The idea is not to promote the company like a bag of crisps. At the same time, I have seen so many ‘dusty’ corporate videos that were either not saying anything about what the company could bring to its customers or too long so you got bored stiff or could not make heads out of tails about the company’s offering. So, here are my five tips to make a great corporate video:

Plan, plan, plan
Planning is of the essence and God knows I am not the best planner ever. But for corporate video, you will need to coordinate so many different work streams, sometimes on different locations, some with safety issues or specific shifts that you will need a well-organized schedule. To start with, if you shoot outdoors, check the weather forecast, seems simple but everything looks brighter under the sunshine, right? Then, cut down your copy in scenes and think about what you want to show. That way, you know what to shoot on D-day and you can give heads-up to your local contacts to iron out any potential issues.

2. Content, content, content

The message you want to convey is key. Get the feel for what the company brings to the table, its style and how it differentiates from the crowd. Structure it and have it validated before you even start to brief your crew. That way, you can work on the voice-over copy knowing you are not missing a key point. An important point: use a style to match the company culture.

3. Work with professional film-makers

Your footage will need to bring the best out of your company. Do not hesitate to select a professional film-maker that knows how to get the best angle and has the right equipment. I recommend using a drone if you have to shoot facilities both indoors and outdoors, much cheaper and so much more flexible than an helicopter!

4. Keep the rhythm

If you want to have an inspirational and enticing corporate video, you need to keep it groovy. Don’t restrict yourself with the footage so that you can have plenty of cut shots to give dynamism to your editing. Use motion designs to visually support key points of your message. Place them well in the video so that it ties in nicely with the images and supports the voice-over. And don’t forget the soundtrack, you can use different ones according to the atmosphere you want to convey. It is the final touch to a great corporate video.

5. Don’t forget to build emotional ties

Even if you are operating in BtB, always bring emotion to your film. The people who will watch it may be hardcore purchasing managers, they are made of flesh and blood. They will remember your video best if you do not keep only to what you can provide but also your values and how you operate and make business.

Now to end this first article, see the link below to a recent video I have coordinated for Algaia, one of the leading seaweed extract supplier to the agro-nutrition, personal care and nutraceutical industries. It was completed in a little more than a month from the initial brief to the final english version and illustrates what I described above. Enjoy!
